Library Media Programs

Brian Seligman, Director of Technology & Library Media Studies


The Harrison Central School District's K-12 Library Media Department empowers students to become lifelong learners in our global society. The department works to build the habits of critical thinking, purposeful research, interactive reading, and ethical behavior in every student. Harrison students learn to become full participants in our information culture. By promoting a district-wide culture of questioning, exploration, expression, production, and reflection, the Library Media Department supports Harrison's core values of access, equity, rigor, and adaptability. 

Our Library Media Specialists partner with classroom teachers to plan and teach innovative lessons and units; maintain up-to-date print and digital sources; and serve as instructional resources for students and teachers. Our program is based on the Empire State Information Literacy Continuum (PDF), which is fully aligned to the P-12 Common Core Learning Standards and other New York State Learning Standards.


Our K-5 program fosters independent curiosity and competency of all students in the use of information, and develops skills in locating, using, evaluating, and producing information in various formats. Our students enjoy reading for pleasure and growth, and are provided with time to borrow books. In an effort to promote reading enrichment, author visits are scheduled for all grades. Each Library Media Center has a computer lab to teach students important lessons in Internet safety, online search techniques, and 21st-century research and writing skills.


In Grade 6, our students participate in a Research Skills course led by our Library Media Specialist. This quarter-length course enables students to utilize the Library Media Center, computers, school databases, and Internet resources to practice skills and habits of research by investigating a topic of their choice. The goal is for students to independently select an appropriate topic, gather resources, judge the quality of websites, and create a product that demonstrates their ability to effectively use technology tools, read and understand both print and digital texts, write with clarity, and design an effective visual presentation. Our middle school students can also participate in Library Media Center activities such as the Library Scavenger Hunt, Skype with an Author program and the Book Review Wall of Fame, which encourage them to further develop their information literacy.


Harrison High School's Library is a center for learning, a place to ask questions and find answers. Appropriately located in the middle of the school, the Library serves all members of the HHS community. The setting enables students and teachers to find books, use the Internet, watch computer and video presentations, and attend classes. Teacher workspaces are located on the mezzanine. Skills are taught in the context of inquiry-based learning and library lessons are tailored to building "information fluency." The Library program's goal is to develop students' thinking link with classroom curriculum, and their questioning skills and strategies to promote lifelong learning.

Our Libraries and Library Media Specialists

Click on a link below to access a school's Library Media Center web page. Or contact a Library Media Specialist for more information. 

Harrison Avenue School (Elizabeth Heller, 630-3204,
Harrison High School (Catherine Johnson, 630-3132,
Louis M. Klein Middle School (Thomasine Mastrantoni, 630-3059,
Parsons Memorial Elementary School (Deborah Goldstein, 630-3231,
Preston Elementary School (Elizabeth Heller, 630-3160,
Purchase Elementary School (Deborah Goldstein, 630-3180,