Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
Harrison's Professional Learning Plan (PLP) reflects the district's ongoing commitment to building a professional learning culture. Founded on four core values - equity, access, rigor and adaptability - the organization is designed to ensure that all members of the community are academically challenged, intellectually engaged and appropriately supported so they can realize their potential as learners. Harrison's vision for professional development is anchored in the principles of quality outlined in Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning (2014) and reinforced in the Every Student Suceeds Act (ESSA, 2015). It is a vision that has evolved and matured over the past decade, ensuring that professional development is sustained, intensive, job-embedded, collaborative and classroom-focused.
Harrison's PDP is meaningfully influenced by the latest educational research, best practices in the field and partnerships with respected national experts. It reflects the district's goals for the academic year including new and sustained, multi-year initiatives: guaranteed and viable curriculum, multiple measures of assessment, data informed instruction, differentiated and responsive instruction and distributed leadership.
The plan has been reviewed and certified by the New York State Education Department under Section 100.2 dd. Harrison is an authorized provider of CTLE credits for meeting the new 100 hour requirement.
Lisa Mulhall
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction