Special Education & Support Services

Jennifer Toscano, Director of Special Education & Support Services

Antonia Simao, Supervisor of Secondary Special Education

Shannon Cipolla, Supervisor of Elementary Special Education

Jody Greenbaum, Committee on Preschool Special Education Chair

The Harrison Central School District is committed to provide a full continuum of programs and services which meet the unique learning needs of students with disabilities in accordance with our District’s core values of equity, access, rigor, and adaptability and New York State and Federal Regulations. Our goal is to provide high-quality programs, services, and supports to students within the HCSD community.

All learners, including students with disabilities, actively participate and benefit from the high quality instruction available in classrooms throughout the district. We believe that inclusive education significantly contributes to the educational experience of all children in many ways.  In accordance with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Accommodation Plan, students may receive specialized instruction and/or services from special educators, speech pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, and other specialists.

Special education services are matched to an individual’s changing needs as he/she progresses from Kindergarten through graduation. This work is accomplished through the concerted efforts of general educators and special educators. We value and strive to form partnerships with parents in support of our collective work to ensure that students meet their academic and social-emotional goals.