Fitness, Performance and Athletic Center (FIT-PAC)

The Strength & Conditioning program at the Harrison High School Fitness, Performance and Athletic Center (FIT-PAC) provides a structured and progressive program that meets the unique and diverse needs of all students at Harrison High School, whether or not they participate in athletics. The program focuses on performance training by teaching student athletes how to properly exercise, enhancing athletic performance, emphasizing well-balanced nutritional habits, promoting adequate recovery, decreasing the likelihood of injury, and improving overall health.

Strength and Conditioning Program Objectives
  • Create a culture that appropriately challenges and unifies all our students.
  • Provide an accessible environment that allows all individuals an opportunity to interact and collectively improve performance on a consistent basis.
  • Improve physical, mental and emotional well-being through regular exercise.
  • Utilize and implement a variety of research based training methods to better prepare our students for life and the sport demands they will encounter.
  • Develop knowledge, skills and exercise techniques for all training levels to promote enhanced athletic ability and life-long health and fitness.
  • Track and monitor progress to foster long-term athletic development.
  • Emphasize the importance of consistency and sacrifice for both short and long term success.
  • Stress the importance of gradual and progressive overload ensuring the health and safety of all participants.


Team Training - During athletic seasons (fall, winter, and spring) all teams have the opportunity for in-season training. These sessions are offered either before or after practice from 2:45-3:30 or 4:45-5:30. Team training is set up by the head coach.

Training - Throughout the entire school year off season training is available to all middle and high school students. During the school year, these sessions are offered Monday-Thursday after school from 3:30-4:30.

Summer Training - A 6 week summer program provides all middle and high school students the opportunity to train during the summer. Morning sessions are offered Monday-Thursday from 6:45-8:00 or 8:15-9:30.


Derrick Fish

Head Strength and Conditioning Coach

Email -

Instagram - husky.health_strength

Twitter - @HuskyStrength08