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2024-2025 HCSD Budget Information

Budget Information & Letter to Community

- Maintains Class Size
- Addresses Enrollment Growth
- Completes K-12 International Baccalaureate Program
- Reintroduces Elementary World Languages
- Continues District-Wide Safety & Facility Improvements

Dear Harrison Community,

The Harrison community’s continuous support of our schools provides outstanding educational experiences for students. Our students have excelled academically and challenged themselves in and out of the classroom. The 2024-25 budget sustains exceptional learning experiences and provides maximum value to Harrison’s taxpayers in spite of rising costs and growing enrollment.  

The Board of Education and Superintendent are guided by two goals during budget development:
  • A rigorous, engaging, personalized learning experience for every Harrison school child.
  • Prudent management of taxpayers' dollars. 
Every decision is made to fulfill the dual responsibilities to our students and taxpayers. 
This year’s budget posed multiple economic challenges: 
  • Largest increase in health insurance in over a decade. 
  • The second consecutive year of increased transportation costs.
  • A steady increase in utility costs and property insurance (just like homeowners).
  • Significant enrollment growth outpacing demographic projections, requiring additional teachers, teaching assistants, and aides.

Our Responsibility to Students
The 2024-25 budget includes the following initiatives and programs:
  • Maintains class sizes K-12 amidst increasing enrollment & participation in courses.
  • Adds 14.9 teacher, teaching assistant, and teacher aide positions to address growing enrollment.
  • Includes world languages at the elementary level.
  • Full implementation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program.
  • Continues to fund IB and AP testing fees for all students at HHS.
  • Summer Programs will continue to support learning gaps from K through 12 and for targeted summer enrichment at no cost to parents. The programs have been downsized as COVID relief money expires.  
  • Maintains rigorous Professional Development for faculty and staff.
  • Funds health and safety improvements District-wide. 
  • Sustains capital project budget for long-term District-wide improvements/maintenance: ADA compliance, roof and exterior building repairs, classroom renovations, and various other improvements.
Our Responsibility to Taxpayers, Now and Over Time 
The District has always been mindful of our taxpayers:
  • Since the adoption of the NYS mandated tax levy cap, the HCSD tax levy has been at or below the cap. 
  • Since 2015-16, the average increase has been lower than the average Consumer Price Index; from 2015-16 to 2023-24, the average tax levy was 1.94% 
  • Surrounding school districts have exceeded the tax levy cap and/or experienced layoffs and program reductions. 
  • We have maintained our programs and class sizes, and maintained a AAA rating without exceeding the cap.  
However, this year, despite our best efforts, HCSD is proposing a tax levy above the cap for the first time, due to growing enrollment and rising costs.  The 2024-25 budget requires 60% voter approval. The estimated tax rate increase is 3.9%, and the tax levy increase is 4.49%.  We believe this budget will preserve our existing programs, address growing enrollment, and respect our dual responsibilities to children and taxpayers.  
The School Budget Vote and Trustee Election will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at your neighborhood elementary school. 
We appreciate our parents, community members, PTAs and PT Council, the Harrison Educational Foundation, and the committed members of the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee for their ongoing support in providing the best education for Harrison’s children.
Board of Education: Kelly Kozak, President; Kelly Mulvoy Mangan, Vice President; Trustees: Benjamin Blaustein, Dennis DiLorenzo, Samantha Giberga, Placido Dino Puccio, Robert C. Sullivan, Jr.
Louis N. Wool, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools

HCSD Strategic Vision 

  • Support rigorous, accessible, personalized approach to learning
  • Strengthen alignment/coherence of content and skills
  • Maintain highly trained faculty & workforce
  • Use of multiple measures of assessment
  • Develop Thinking/IB Learning Traits: Inquirers, Knowledgeable Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective
  • Develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect (IB).

HCSD Recognized for Fiscal Management 

The District’s fiscal management is predicated on a strategic and long-term approach to financial stability. 
  • Standard and Poor’s Global Rating of AAA since 2008
  • Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the highest form of recognition in government accounting and financial reporting for 13 years

Student Enrollment Projected to Increase Over Next 10 Years


History of Tax Levy Increases Compared to CPI

The District has always been mindful of our taxpayers. The HCSD tax levy has been at or below the cap.  Since 2015-16, the average increase has been lower than the average Consumer Price Index; from 2015-16 to 2023-24, the average tax levy was 1.94% 
  • Harrison CSD has been issued a AAA rating by S&P for outstanding credit worthiness.
  • The District has been awarded recognition for outstanding financial reporting for more than 12 years in a row .
  • Harrison CSD has the third lowest true value tax rate among Westchester Schools.


2024-2025 Budget PresentationBudget DetailVoting InformationAwards & AchievementsDistrict NewslettersHarrison High School Profile

Budget Highlights

The 2024-25 budget includes the following initiatives and programs:

Maintains class sizes K-12 amidst increasing enrollment & participation in courses 

Adds 14.9 teacher, teaching assistant, and teacher aide positions to address growing enrollment

Includes world languages at the elementary level

Full implementation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program

Continues to fund IB and AP testing fees for all students at HHS

Summer Programs will continue to support learning gaps from K through 12 and for targeted summer enrichment at no cost to parents. The programs have been downsized as COVID relief money expires  

Maintains rigorous Professional Development for faculty and staff

Sustains capital project budget for long-term 

Funds health and safety improvements District-wide 

District-wide improvements & maintenance: ADA compliance, roof and exterior building repairs, classroom renovations, and various other improvements

School Budget Vote and School Board Trustee Election
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
7 am to 9 pm
At Your Neighborhood Elementary School