Business Office Resources


The Harrison Central School District's transportation program is operated according to the District's Transportation Policy.   

Safety Information
  • All students are expected to follow the District's School Bus Safety Regulations.  Parents and guardians are also encouraged to review the First Student Tips for a Safe Trip.
  • All buses utilized by the Harrison Central School District are equipped with active digital audio-visual recording devices.
  • For Kindergarten and First Grade Students, a parent or guardian must be present and receive the child at the assigned bus stop. Otherwise, the child will not be permitted to disembark and will be returned to his or her school where the parent or guardian will be responsible to pick up the child.
  • Students in grades two through twelve will be released at their assigned stop without a parent or guardian present.
  • Students are only permitted on the bus to which they are assigned. Each student is picked up and dropped off only at his or her assigned stop.
  • In the event of a late-running bus, call First Student directly: 914-668-2700.
Bus Routes & Schedules

To request a change to a bus assignment, complete and submit the Bus Assignment Change Request Form to the Transportation Office at the Louis M. Klein Middle School.

School Closings & Delays
  • Inclement weather or other emergency may result in school closing or a delayed opening. School closings and/or delays are posted to the district website and student families are notified by an automated phone message. Local news outlets are also notified and publicize school closings and delays.
  • When Harrison Schools are closed due to inclement weather, transportation to private and parochial schools will NOT be provided. When Harrison Schools are delayed due to inclement weather, transportation to private and parochial schools will be provided on the same delayed schedule.
School Bus Assignments
  • School bus stop locations and pick-up times are established by the Transportation Department based on analysis of student safety, compliance with district policy and New York State law, and cost-effectiveness. To ensure student safety, student bus assignments are strictly enforced.
  • To request a change, complete and submit a Bus Assignment Change Request available here.
  • Requests are considered based upon student safety, district practice, resultant effect on other students, and routing efficiencies. Decisions will be rendered by the Superintendent or his designee and will be final. Factors not considered include convenience, and temporary or intermittent changes affecting the student or parent, unless they are within state-mandated considerations, e.g. temporary homelessness.
  • If a bus assignment change is approved, the new assignment will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year, with the exception of extreme and unforeseen circumstance and then solely at the discretion of the Superintendent or his designee.
Private & Parochial Schools
  • Eligibility requirements for transportation to private/parochial schools are the same as those for in-district schools.
  • Applications for transportation MUST BE FILED ANNUALLY on the district form. Applications are available after January 10 from the menu on the right side of this page. By New York State Education Law, for the 2025-2026 school year, completed applications are due no later than April 1st.
  • Regardless of whether or not your child has been accepted at his or her chosen school, an application for transportation to that school should be filed by the deadline.
  • Transportation to private/parochial schools starts on the first full day of school in September and will follow the private/parochial school calendar.
  • Transportation is not provided on National Holidays. For a list of National Holidays refer to the menu on the right side of this page.