Facilities Bond Referendum 2023



Bond referendum will improve safety, expand and update instructional spaces, address infrastructure to meet current and future needs of students in a fiscally responsible manner

Vote November 16, 7AM-9PM at your neighborhood elementary school

On Thursday November 16, Harrison Central School District residents will go to the polls to vote on a bond referendum to improve safety, infrastructure and meet space demands due to unprecedented enrollment growth in all six of our schools. The projects address critical building and instructional needs throughout the district, enhance the safety and quality of educational spaces for students and staff, and meets the current and future needs of our students in a fiscally responsible manner. The total of the proposed bond referendum is $79,530,000.  Attend a presentation.

The bond will improve the following key areas: 

Safety and security: The referendum enhances safety and security measures in every school and provides for secure entrances, expanded camera coverage, and safety enhancements to walk-up windows and doors at the ground level of all buildings.

Address enrollment growth:  The district is experiencing a surge in enrollment beyond demographic projections. Many large and small-scale developments (potential 1,864 units) throughout Harrison will likely continue this trend. The district currently requires additional classrooms to maintain class sizes and must also plan for future enrollment growth. 

Redevelop inadequate learning spaces: Inferior classrooms require updating to meet current curriculum requirements in all six schools. 

Improve ADA compliance: To ensure accessibility for students and staff, the bond funds improvements to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Upgrade infrastructure: School buildings require infrastructure improvements, including upgraded windows, HVAC, electrical and water/sewer systems to maintain safe and healthy learning environments.

Comprehensive Review and Analysis

The scope of work included in the referendum resulted from a comprehensive review by the district administration and the Board of Education’s Facilities Committee. The analysis considered several factors: health and safety, the Building Conditions Survey, the district’s five-year plan, the annual demographic report, and current and pending developments in the community. 

The findings reveal the need to address safety improvements, surging enrollment, maintaining current class sizes, updating inadequate learning spaces, planning for ongoing development, and improving infrastructure. The proposed bond of  $79,530,000 addresses all of these critical areas.

Implementing the Plan

With record high enrollment of 3,756 students in the 2023-24 school year and ongoing growth beyond demographic projections, the district must prepare for future enrollment increases. The referendum ensures students' safety and health, educational opportunities, and responsible management of taxpayer dollars. 

The scope of work and the project timeline efficiently manage finances to minimize the impact on the district's budget and taxpayers and while meeting the growing needs of the district. The district’s funding strategy is to offset taxpayer cost. The multifaceted strategy utilizes the Capital Reserve Fund approved by voters, the allocation of annual capital funds, and bond issuances over several years. State Building Aid plays a vital role in ensuring the project's affordability and success.  Portions of the project are eligible for 10% state aid, and we anticipate receiving $8.8M to further offset cost to taxpayers.

If voters approve, the building projects will start as early as Spring 2025. Attend a public presentation

Learn more: Attend a public presentation 

Attend an upcoming public presentation to learn more and ask questions about the proposed bond referendum: 

  • 9/14/2023 PT Council meeting, 9:30 a.m. at Harrison Avenue Elementary School
  • 10/10/2023 LMK PTA meeting, 7:30 p.m. 
  • 10/16/2023 Preston PTA meeting, 7 p.m.
  • 10/17/2023 Parsons PTA meeting, 7 p.m.
  • 10/18/2023 HHS PTA meeting, 9:30 a.m. 
  • 10/19/2023 Purchase PTA meeting, 9:15 a.m. 
  • 10/20/2023 Harrison Ave School PTA meeting, 9:15 a.m. 

Updates regarding the bond referendum will be provided at Board Education Meetings. Public Sessions of the Board of Education Meetings are held at 8:15 p.m. in the LMK Middle School Auditorium.

  • 8/30/2020 Board of Education Meeting, 8:15 p.m.
  • 9/13/2023 Board of Education Meeting, 8:15 p.m. Referendum Resolution Adopted
  • 10/18/2023 Board of Education Meeting, 8:15 p.m.
  • 11/8/2023 Board of Education Meeting, 8:15 p.m.

If you have questions about the capital project, contact bond@harrisoncsd.org

Vote November 16, 7AM-9PM at your neighborhood elementary school

Bond Referendum Results

Bond Referendum Goals and Objectives
  • Improve safety and security of students and staff

  • Provide additional classrooms for surging enrollment amid extensive development in Harrison

  • Redevelop existing inadequate learning spaces to address current program and space needs

  • Improve ADA compliance 

  • Address infrastructure needs districtwide 

  • Address the current and future needs of our students and the District in a fiscally responsible manner

Total of proposed bond:  $79,530,000

Tax impact: Based on median market value of $1.26M ($16,300 median assessed value) for a single-family residence estimated average cost for homeowners is $294 per year.

Building by Building Overview 

Harrison Avenue ElementaryParsons Memorial ElementaryPreston ElementaryPurchase ElementaryLMK Middle SchoolHarrison High School

EnrollmentFinancingVoting Information