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Facilities Bond Referendum Results


November 16, 2023
Final Tally

 (M) = Machine Vote,  (A) = Absentee Vote

A - HAS (M) 328 146
(A) 10 11
B - PRE (M) 125 98
(A) 3 5
C - PUR (M) 322 70
(A) 8 5
D - PAR (M) 100 116
(A) 4 5
TOTAL 900 456

Bond Home

Bond Referendum Goals and Objectives
  • Improve safety and security of students and staff

  • Provide additional classrooms for surging enrollment amid extensive development in Harrison

  • Redevelop existing inadequate learning spaces to address current program and space needs

  • Improve ADA compliance 

  • Address infrastructure needs districtwide 

  • Address the current and future needs of our students and the District in a fiscally responsible manner

Total of proposed bond:  $79,530,000

Tax impact: Based on median market value of $1.26M ($16,300 median assessed value) for a single-family residence estimated average cost for homeowners is $294 per year.

Building by Building Overview 

Harrison Avenue ElementaryParsons Memorial ElementaryPreston ElementaryPurchase ElementaryLMK Middle SchoolHarrison High School

EnrollmentFinancingVoting Information