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Weekly COVID-19 Update
October 1, 2021

The Harrison Central School District will provide parents, faculty and staff with a weekly update that includes timely information and important reminders.  This week's COVID-19 update includes information on the following topics:

  • COVID-19 Cases & Quarantines

  • COVID-19 Testing

  • Mask Reminder

COVID 19 Cases & Quarantines

COVID-19 Testing

The District has partnered with Mt. Sinai Hospital to provide non-invasive PCR saliva tests for up to 20% of our vaccinated and unvaccinated students each week.  This testing initiative will help the District to even more effectively limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our schools.  All K-12 students are encouraged to participate in the COVID-19 testing program, regardless of vaccination status.  Parents w

Mt. Sinai Hospital requires parents to complete a consent form for their child(ren) to participate in COVID-19 testing.  Parents will receive an email from Mt. Sinai Hospital early next week with a link to provide their consent.  This consent form is required,  even if parents have provided consent for testing in the past.  

Each week, 20% of the students who have provided consent will be identified to participate in testing that week.  The non-invasive PCR saliva test kits will be sent home to be completed in the morning and then returned to school.  Parents will receive the results by email within 24-48 hours.  The graphic below explains the simple step-by-step instructions:

Mask Reminder

Consistent with NYSED, CDC and AAP recommendations, all students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be required to wear an approved face mask while indoors on school property and on school buses even if fully vaccinated.  Parents are asked to send their children to school with at least two (2) reusable masks each day.  

CDC and WCDOH guidance now provides that when all students wearing face masks have close contact with a positive COVID-19 case, the exposed students will not be required to quarantine if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time and the students consistently maintained at least 3 feet of physical distance from each other.  This exception does not apply to unvaccinated adults in the classroom setting.  This change in guidance will significantly reduce the number of students required to quarantine as a result of exposure to COVID-19.