Coronavirus Update May 1
Update from the Superintendent of Schools
Update: May 1 2020
"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” Erich Fromm
Dear Harrison Learning Community,
Earlier today, Governor Cuomo announced schools will be closed for the remainder of the academic year and virtual learning will continue.
This news is unwelcome, disheartening, but not unexpected. The governor's decision is based on the safety of children, faculty, and staff; their well-being must remain our most important collective priority.
The governor's decision provides one answer, but many questions remain. In yesterday’s update, I asked that you not be deterred by our inability to give you definitive answers to important questions. Even with much still unknown, we are preparing multiple plans to care for the well-being of your children and your families.
Our students have endured loss over the past several weeks, loss that none of us ever imagined. They persist with resilience and even joy. Graduations will be celebrated, whether virtually or at a safe social distance. I met with senior class officers, our leadership team, and consulted with architects. We will find a way to fulfill the promise of concluding this school year by filling it with memories both positive and unique.
Our senior class has shown the courage to let go of certainties and unleashed a torrent of creativity under impossible circumstances. My meeting with eighth-graders about celebrating their Moving Up also revealed ideas both positive and unique.
Our children are always watching. In this time of significant loss, we can learn from watching them. Their optimism and joy in a time of uncertainty is our inspiration. We must face uncertain realities fearlessly and unleash our collective creativity to preserve their rights of passage.
Our faculty and staff, administrators, Board of Education, and I are grateful every day for the privilege to support and serve your children. Your partnership has never been more important.
We will provide more certain answers in the near future... "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
Live with optimism.
Louis N. Wool Ed. D.`
Superintendent of Schools