2/27 Update from the Superintendent of Schools

Masks Optional in Schools Beginning Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Update: February 27 2022

Dear Harrison Families,

Today, February 27, Governor Hochul announced that masks will be optional in schools beginning Wednesday, March 2. 

On February 25, the CDC recommended that masks be optional in schools in communities with low COVID risk. Currently, Westchester County meets the CDC criteria for low risk. The Harrison Central School District will implement the optional use of mask-wearing indoors based on personal preference beginning Wednesday, March 2.  We have been preparing for this change in guidance for several weeks.

The Governor has indicated that additional school-related guidance from the NYSDOH is forthcoming this week. We will inform you as additional guidance becomes available. Pending revised guidance, students will be provided the option of remaining socially distant during lunch.

Supporting students during this transition

Please partner with us to make this transition seamless for students, principals, faculty, staff, and parents. We ask for your cooperation over the next 48 hours; please do not place your principals or teachers at odds with your children over mask-wearing on Monday and Tuesday. The revised guidance takes effect Wednesday, March 2. 

Mutual Respect 

We expect that all students, faculty, staff, and members of the public will respect these guidelines and the rights of others to make personal choices regarding mask-wearing. 

Advocacy - Our efforts made a difference

We are thankful for your participation and our collective advocacy. Prior to the winter break, New York was not going to announce any changes regarding masks in school until March 4. We generated over one thousand letters to the governor, legislators, and the Commissioners of Health and Education. Due partly to our hard work and efforts behind the scenes, New York is lifting its school mandate for masks sooner than originally planned and before New Jersey.

Renewed Optimism 

As spring approaches, let us work together to fill our students with a sense of optimism, openness to one another, and the opportunity to celebrate each other and the long-missed and joyful school activities ahead.

If you are concerned about your child’s health, safety, or mental well-being as we transition to a mask-optional environment, please reach out to your principal, assistant principal, school nurse, teacher, or mental health professional. We look forward to welcoming your children back from winter break and to an exciting spring.


Louis N. Wool, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools