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1/26 Update from the Superintendent of Schools

Harrison CSD & Rye City SD Advocate for Sensible Changes to Mask Rules & Increased Support for Mental Health

Update: January 26 2022

Dear Families,

Under the leadership of Harrison Central School District and Rye City School District, we are joining forces and asking for your support to petition New York State officials for intelligent, science-based changes to mask requirements in schools, continued support for testing, and increased support for mental health services. The recommendations ensure students will remain safe and improve the quality of their learning. 

We believe the New York State Department of Health should adjust the mask requirements in schools by February 21, 2022, the date the current mandate expires. These changes are warranted based on the availability of vaccinations for all school-age children and low transmission rates in schools, which are consistently below county and community averages. Please help us advocate for changes that are measured, appropriate, and science-based.

Take Action Now

School district leaders in our communities ask that you use this Voter Voice advocacy webpage to seek support from elected officials to enact the changes below by February 21, 2022, the date the current mandate expires.

  • Mask requirements will be linked to viral transmission levels and test positivity rates in schools/districts.  Only require masks if “transmission levels are deemed high” by the local Department of Health. Note this pertains to the positivity rate in schools/districts since in-school transmission rates have been well below county and community averages.

  • Continue to provide adequate COVID-19 testing resources to schools so they can offer weekly COVID-19 tests to faculty, staff, and students whose parents provide consent.

  • Increase funding for mental health support for students.  Districts require ongoing, sustained resources to address the wide range of mental health needs of children and staff that have emerged or been exacerbated by the pandemic.  

Time is critical. Please make your voice heard by contacting Governor Hochul, State Legislators, the New York State Departments of Health and Education, and Westchester County Executive Latimer. These changes require your support and leadership from New York State officials.


Louis N. Wool, Ed.D.    Eric Byrne, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools  Superintendent of Schools
Harrison CSD  Rye CSD


Harrison Board of Education: Kelly Mulvoy Mangan, President;  Kelly Kozak, Vice President; Trustees: Dennis Di Lorenzo, Noreen Lucey, Placido Dino Puccio, Robert C. Sullivan Jr., Lindy Wolverton

Rye City School District Board of Education: Jennifer Boyle, President; Jane Anderson, Vice President; Trustees: Callie Erickson, Kelsey Johnson, Vivek Kamath, Chris Repetto, Tom Stein