Hybrid & Virtual Attendance

While the Harrison Central School District is operating on a hybrid schedule, the District will track attendance for hybrid and virtual students as described below.

Elementary Schools

Teachers for students in grades K-5 will report daily attendance based on the following conditions:

  • Students attending school in person will be marked In Person Present
  • Students who should be attending in person, but are absent will be marked as In Person Absent

  • Students who should be attending in person, but are late will be marked as In Person Tardy

  • Students attending school virtually will be marked Remote Present
  • Students who should be attending virtually, but are absent will be marked as Remote Absent
  • Students who should be attending virtually, but are late will be marked as Remote Tardy

Middle School and High School

Teachers for students in grades 6-12  will report period attendance based on the following conditions:

  • Students attending school in person will be marked In Person Present
  • Students who should be attending in person, but are absent will be marked as In Person Absent

  • Students who should be attending in person, but are late will be marked as In Person Tardy

  • Students attending school virtually will be marked Remote Present

  • Students who should be attending virtually, but are absent will be marked as Remote Absent

  • Students who should be attending virtually, but are late will be marked as Remote Tardy

Asynchronous Day Attendance

  • Students in Grades 6-12 on a Hybrid Schedule will complete Asynchronous work every other day. 
  • Parents will complete a Daily Covid Screener which will allow them to report their child’s Asynchronous Attendance. 
  • Parents that inform us that their child will NOT participate in Asynchronous learning will be marked as Remote Absent.