Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The FAQ explains how the district will ensure the integrity and fairness of our grading system under exceptional circumstances while students Learn From Home.
How will the 4th quarter grades be calculated?
Multiple forms of assessment are utilized to grade student learning. Performance assessments (i.e. open-ended tasks, written, oral and multimedia projects, portfolios) are emphasized in lieu of traditional exams. Teachers continue to score assignments, provide feedback, and record grades in the Powerschool Portal.
Will there be Regents Exams this year?
No. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) canceled all Regents Exams for 2020. Regents credit will be awarded to students who earn a passing grade in the course.
Will there be final exams?
No. There will not be any cumulative final exams in June. Final exams may be replaced with one or more alternative assessments assigned and graded as part of the 4th quarter.
How will final grades be calculated?
Final grades for courses will be calculated as a numerical grade using established course grading policies with the following modification:
For full-year courses, the percentage value of the Regents or final exam (e.g. 10% or 20%) will be redistributed equally to all four quarters.
For semester-based courses, the percentage value of final exams will be redistributed equally to quarters 3 and 4.
What happens if a student is struggling to maintain his/her grades? What if a student doesn’t earn a passing grade for the course?
Teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators are carefully monitoring students’ academic progress to ensure successful completion of coursework while Learning From Home. The district implemented a Response to Intervention (RTI) process for remote learning, which includes structured supports for "at risk" students. In addition, the District will continue to offer all students a range of summer learning opportunities including credit recovery courses and targeted, short format programs to close learning gaps resulting from remote instruction.