April 28: HHS Principal's Message
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I begin each weekday morning writing an email to your children. It is the highlight of my day. These emails have become my routine in the remote environment, and a daily reminder of what I most enjoy about being a principal. Whether at school or from home, the best part of my job is our students.
The world changed and demanded our students change too. Without notice, they were forced to readjust their expectations of high school. They could have chosen to focus on what they left behind; they did not. They faced the challenge of this odd new world and found opportunity. They continue to excel and find ways to support each other.
There is much to celebrate. The creativity and talent of our students, your children, continues to shine.
Harrison High School celebrates writing and the arts with the annual Imagine Literary Magazine. Students believe creative expression unites us and reminds us to stand together despite our distance. Take time to experience the Imagine Blog, of student writing, artwork, and photography.
Digital Design Program’s newsletter showcases student talent.
The hallways of HHS come to you in a collection of student work, based on the Getty Museum Challenge.
HHS Science Research students participated virtually in the Tri-County Science Fair. Congratulations to our competitors and three winners: Roya Azar-2nd Place-Biology; Larissa Iraj-3rd Place-Health & Nutrition; and Athanasia Meimeteas-2nd Place-Math/Computers. Congratulations to Sara McSweeney and the team of Nellie and Bailey Fisher, who advanced to the New York State Science and Engineering Fair (NYSSEF) Finals earlier this month. They earned high honors and placed in the top 50 projects statewide.
The resilience of your children inspires the faculty, staff, and me and reminds me of what I love about being their principal.
Be well.
Ms. Kimberly Beukema
Principal, Harrison High School
Please make note of additional information and reminders:
Learn from Home, provides helpful resources for parents..
Governor Cuomo’s executive extends public school district closures through May 15, 2020.
We are working to preserve the end of year celebrations and planning for the class of 2020 graduation ceremony. Dr. Wool, Mrs. Griffo, faculty advisors, and I met with student leadership to discuss multiple scenarios.
Regents Examinations are canceled.
Students use secured Zoom and Google Hangouts for teacher-student meetings. To access the Zoom platform the District has established a secure account. All students in grades 6-12 received district accounts to access a Zoom session. The District’s Video Conferencing Guidelines provide more information.
Extracurricular advisors are holding club meetings. If your child has any questions, please reach out to the club advisor.
The District provides free breakfast and lunch for eligible students. If you are currently eligible but have not yet applied, please complete the request form. If your circumstances have changed and you are in need of food assistance contact your principal. All inquiries are confidential.
If your child needs a device, if there is a problem with your equipment, or if your family does not have internet access, the District will provide a device and/or a mobile hotspot to deliver internet access. If you require technology support please complete this form. If you have questions contact Brian Seligman (914-630-3389) or (seligmanb@harrisoncsd.org).