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June 9: LMK Principal's Message


Dear LMK Families,

We are now in our final full week of school.  Our students have maintained stamina over the past three months at home. It is a testament to your partnership with us that has maintained a focus on education. I thank you for working with us and helping us achieve success for your children.

While Learning From Home, I  have reminded our students how vital it is to be informed. This is a challenging time that I am sure has created an opportunity to have important conversations with your children, as we struggle to help them understand the complexity of the world they are growing up in.  Processing injustice is a challenge for adults, and even more so for 11 to 14-year-olds.  We must remind our students, the world has injustice as well as caring and humanity. As students are shaping their ideas and views, we will continue to provide a safe environment for them to have a voice and be heard. The LMK faculty and administration continue to explore these complex questions with students through the frame of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program which aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

We are finalizing plans for our Moving Up ceremony for 8th graders.  A final decision will be made this week.

Locker cleanout begins Wednesday, June 10 through Tuesday, June 16. At designated times, a limited number of students can retrieve their belongings from school. Please see the schedule and guidelines for this process. Students are required to wear masks and maintain social distance. Congregating among students and families will be prohibited; parents are not allowed in the building. We also will collect musical instruments and graphing calculators. These items may be left in gymnasium A and B. All 8th-grade chorus students and any 6th or 7th graders not remaining in the chorus should return their polo shirts.  We will not be collecting technology on loan from the school district (i.e. Chromebooks) except for students leaving the District. 

We continue to redesign and expand our summer programs. Due to the governor’s order, these programs will be held virtually. Summer programs will be designed in a way that is flexible and accommodates a larger number of students than in prior years. 

Yearbooks are delayed, upon arrival (it should be late July), a plan to gather and share them will be provided.

We continue to be mindful of the challenges families face Learning From Home and its impact on students’ ability to complete work. The revised secondary grading guidelines ensure integrity and fairness, provide feedback on achievement, and support learning. 

The District is still providing free breakfast and lunch for eligible students. If you are currently eligible but have not yet applied, please complete the request form.  If your circumstances have changed and you are in need of food assistance contact your principal. All inquiries are confidential.

If your child needs a device, if there is a problem with your equipment, or if your family does not have internet access, the District will provide a device and/or a mobile hotspot to deliver internet access. If you require technology support please complete this form. If you have questions contact Brian Seligman (914-630-3389) or (  At this time, we will not be collecting technology on loan from the school district except for students leaving the  District. 

As this unprecedented school year ends, I would like to thank you for helping us make this year a success. Ms. Colosimo, Mr. Spector, and I will be here throughout the summer to answer any questions.  

Sincerely yours,

Scott Fried