March 24: PRE Principal's Message
Dear Harrison Elementary Families,
We hope you and your students were successful in your first week of learning from home. Navigating these different and difficult times challenges us to feel connected to and supported by our school and one another. Support for our students and families remain, but from afar. We miss seeing your children and the spirit and wonder they bring to school each day.
Dr. Wool has been sharing weekly updates on behalf of the district, however, the elementary team would like to share insights and reflections that we observed during the first week of learning from home.
First, thank you for all you have done to support your child’s learning; your participation is essential. We are excited by the creativity of our teachers and are very proud of the meaningful work that your children have continued to share, but we also recognize the challenges that accompany this new learning environment. Please know that teachers are viewing your child’s work, and are here to assist with whatever you may need. We recognize that you are figuring out new routines for home and school, we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Parent conferences began last week and will continue over the next few days. Some parent/teacher conferences have been rescheduled to support family scheduling challenges. We are working to accommodate every request. Teachers who have held conferences were excited to speak with you and learn how our students are managing while they are away from us. One announcement that will serve to reduce anxiety among students is that the New York State Education Department announced the suspension of state assessments. Please find more information on the district’s website at Learning From Home: Testing Information.
We are constantly monitoring our students. If teachers, your principal, or assistant principal notices a lack of participation or work, we will reach out to see how we can help.
Over the course of this past week, we have been inspired by the energy and commitment of our teachers and students. Our students have shared their individual work, projects, artwork and videos with their teachers as evidence of their learning while they are away from school. Most importantly, they are staying connected to classmates.
We miss your children and are looking forward to seeing them and you soon!
Valerie Hymes Harrison Avenue Elementary School |
Mark Woodard Parsons Elementary School |
Dennis Kortright S.J. Preston Elementary School |
Adam Gutterman Purchase Elementary School |