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March 31: PRE Principal's Message


Dear Preston Families,

Your children took the challenge of spreading kindness at home to an inspirational level. They shared examples of helping out their household, making art for others, displaying rainbows in the windows of their homes, caring for their siblings, expressing gratitude, and doing their best to learn at home. Their ideas were contagious. Preston students brought joy to friends, their families, teachers, and me. 

This week, in my Monday morning video message:, I suggested to the school that they practice seeing the heroes in their world and that they also recognize that they too are heroes. Your children have been challenged with Learning From Home, which requires persistence, flexibility, and of course, empathy. By seeing the heroes around us and noticing our superpowers at this time, motivates us to persevere in a time crisis.  

Important Updates: 

The teachers, curriculum directors, and I have paid careful attention to how remote learning is impacting your children. We are in the process of enhancing the learning experience so that students and families find the platforms and content accessible and of high quality. 

The second trimester has concluded, and parent/teacher conferences are coming to an end, we are working on getting report cards to you shortly.  

The District is providing free breakfast and lunch for eligible students. Please note that beginning Monday, March 30, meal distribution will be reduced to twice a week: Monday and Wednesday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Monday pickup includes breakfast and lunch for two days. Wednesday pickup provides breakfast and lunch for three days. If you are currently eligible but have not yet applied, please complete the request form. If your circumstances have changed and you need Food Assistance, please contact your principal. All inquiries are confidential. 

If you are struggling with limited internet access, Xfinity internet service providers have opened up all of their public wifi points to anyone.  Please read if you would like further information.  There are also many hotspots located in our community that can be searched by using this map.  If you require further access to technology or a device, please complete the request form or reach out if you need further technical support. If you have questions about technology contact Brian Seligman (914-638- 3389) or (

Medical experts agree that social distancing is the most effective way to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. Experts recommend we all behave “as if” we have the virus and limit contact with others.  We encourage you to follow the social distancing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and refrain from playdates, pick up games, group activities and other interactions outside of your family. In accordance with these safety guidelines, all school playgrounds are closed.

After and before school clubs continue virtually, and club advisors will be reaching out to your children as well.

Thank you for being the heroes to your children, your families, and Preston School. While we may not be in the physical space of our school, we still display the values of Caring for Yourself, Caring for Others, and Caring for Preston. We Belong Together!

Warm Regards,

Dennis Kortright
S.J. Preston Elementary School