May 12: HHS Principal's Message
Dear HHS families,
Time moves so differently in the world of remote learning. I am shocked we are beginning our 9th week! Last week marked a special time at Harrison High School; our students’ expressions of thanks during Teacher Appreciation Week were incredibly thoughtful and touching. The week coincided with Mother’s Day, and an opportunity for your children to celebrate their very first teacher, mom.
We recognize the challenges families face Learning From Home and its impact on students’ ability to complete work. Our grading practices reflect that understanding and the approach is accurate, fair, and respectful. The revised secondary grading guidelines ensure integrity and fairness, provide feedback on achievement, and support learning.
Our school counselors continue to provide ongoing support for all students. “College Bound” college planning meetings for Juniors will take place on Wednesday, May 20th; students will receive more information in their school email. A unique opportunity to explore The State University of New York is available to students at the first-ever SUNY virtual college fairs on Thursday, May 14th, and Saturday, May 16th. HHS juniors and their families are welcome to attend. Please register in advance.
As I shared last week, high school and District leadership are planning ways to recognize the class of 2020 with unique end-of-the-year celebrations. The Superintendent, assistant principals, and I continue meeting and collaborating with senior class officers. Seniors will celebrate prom differently and are considering dates in the summer. We remain hopeful our seniors will walk the graduation stage on June 26th. There are several venues under consideration, possibly McGillicuddy Stadium. Our seniors expressed their greatest desire is to be together on graduation day, if possible, limited guests and teachers will be invited. Senior Awards and Senior Sports Awards will occur virtually, although other ideas are still being explored. Seniors are planning to celebrate College Commitment Day. We will inform you as the plans to celebrate this special class is finalized.
I am amazed by the maturity and selflessness your children bring to each conversation. Their optimism is inspiring.
Be well.
Ms. Kimberly Beukema
Principal, Harrison High School
Please make note of additional information and reminders:
- Please be aware of the upcoming AP Exam dates which impact the schedules of the students in these classes:
- Calc BC, May 12th @ 2pm - TODAY
- Comp Sci A May 15th @ 4pm - FRIDAY
- World History, May 21st @ 2pm.
- Stats, May 22nd @ 2pm
- SUPA Multivariable Calculus, May 27th @ 1:00 p.m.
- The Governor has directed schools to remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. Please understand that with the closing of schools, the school grounds must remain closed and no gatherings can be allowed at this time.
- Weekly Bulletin, Week of 5/11/2020
- As we draw closer to the end of the 2020-2021 school year, we will share with you plans to collect any items signed-out to students or belongings your children need to pick-up from the high school.
- Our extracurricular advisors are holding club meetings with students. If you or your child have questions about club gatherings, please reach out to me or the club advisor.
- Students are using Google Hangouts for teacher-student meetings. Zoom is another platform used by teachers. The District has a secure Zoom account, and students grades 6-12 have district accounts to access a Zoom session. The District’s Video Conferencing Guidelines provide more information.
- The District provides free breakfast and lunch for eligible students. If you are currently eligible but have not yet applied, please complete the request form. If your circumstances have changed and you are in need of food assistance contact your principal. All inquiries are confidential.
- If your child needs a device, if there is a problem with your equipment, or if your family does not have internet access, the District will provide a device and/or a mobile hotspot to deliver internet access. If you require technology support please complete this form. If you have questions contact Brian Seligman (914-630-3389) or (