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HCSD Students Bring Joy to the World Around Them

During the past several weeks, HCSD students have spent time hosting food drives, collecting toys, writing cards to hospitalized children, visiting the Harrison Senior Center, singing at the town tree lighting, spending time with our community’s veterans, and performing at the annual Veterans Day Parade.


The HHS Marching Band performed at the West Harrison Veterans Day Ceremony and proudly represented the district honoring our local veterans.  The town event coordinators extended their gratitude, “The band’s presence really adds to the pageantry and tradition of the day. We are all so very grateful.”

The HHS student club, Youth Volunteers of Harrison, hosted a food drive at DeCicco’s Market, and thanks to the generosity of so many members of the Harrison community, assembled 45 food baskets for Thanksgiving and boxes of additional food for the Harrison Food Pantry. The LMK Service Club also held a Thanksgiving food drive and donated many baskets to the food pantry. Both service clubs at HHS and LMK collected hundreds of toys for the holidays and donated them to Toys for Tots.

Service and community also are an integral to the Harrison Avenue, Parsons, Preston and Purchase Elementary School communities, especially during the holidays.

Harrison Avenue School students collected wrapping paper for the Harrison Holiday Project, worked with students from Harrison High School to collected and donated change to the Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, and the Service Club will write holiday cards for children at the hospital. 

Parsons School students also joined in the festivities and sang at the town’s tree lighting ceremony, Kindergarten Students visited the Senior Center to sing and share holiday carols, and fifth grade students did the same at Town Hall. Students in the Service Club wrote and delivered Holiday/Thank You cards to town offices and organizations.

Students at Preston School met with veterans from Harrison, learned about their experiences serving our country, and honored them by performing songs representing each branch of the military and presenting the veterans with thank you cards.

At Purchase School the Caring Kids Service Club will make holiday cards for children in the Make a Wish program, fifth grade students held a school-wide sock drive for the Sharing Shelf, and are wrapping and donating Hygiene kits.

We are proud of our students who are thoughtful, engaged members of our community.