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LMK Science Olympiad Team Places 5th at Regionals, Advances to NY State Competition

The LMK Middle School Science Olympiad team earned a 5th place school win at the Lower Hudson Valley Science Olympiad and will advance to the New York State Science OlympiadScience Olympiad is an opportunity for students to challenge themselves in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics through various levels of team-based, collaborative competitions.   Students initially compete regionally to earn the opportunity to compete at the state level. 

Lower Hudson Valley Science Olympiad Winners:

Anatomy & Physiology - 7th Place - Isani Mitra & Mizuki Shimatani

Bio Process Lab - 2nd Place - Shaili Singh & Mizuki Shimatani

Botany - 5th Place - Nate Kim & Oviya Gandhi

Can't Judge a Powder - 8th Place - Sebastian Kozyra & Atharv Gandhi

Crave the Wave - 3rd Place - Mizuki Shimatani & Atharv Gandhi

Dynamic Planet - 2nd Place -Sohpie Wong & Ron Blaustein

Experimental Design - 6th Place - Shaili Singh, King Kritikos & Atharv Gandhi

Fast Facts - 8th Place - Jordan Levine & Kai Hickey

Green Generation - 5th Place - Sebastian Kozyra & Ron Blaustein

Meteorology - 6th Place -  King Kritikos & Raito Sekine

Quiz Bowl - 2nd Place - Atharv Gandhi, Mizuki Shimatani & Sebastian Kozyra

Rocks & Minerals - 7th Place - Kayli Kyu & Priya Kaji

Write It Do It- 10th Place- Kayli Kyu & Priya Kaji

LMK Science Olympiad Team Members:  Ron Blaustein, Atharv Gandhi, Isani Mitra, Mizuki Shimatani, Sophie Wong, Sebastian Kozyra, Raito Sekine, Priya Kaji, King Kritikos, Kayli Kyu, Mia Camaj, Matt Basso, Shaili Singh, Katharine Wong, Kinga Kozyra, Jordan Levine, Nate Kim, Kai Hickey, Oviya Gandhi