Special Education Services
The provision of a free and appropriate public education will continue to be provided via all three instructional models (100% in person; 100% remote; hybrid model). Initial and re-evaluation testing will continue and will be administered in-person, via Google Meet/Zoom or a combination thereof. Committee on Special Education (CSE) meetings will continue via Google Meet or Zoom at this time. Part 200 Special Education Regulations and guidance documents from the NY State Education Department regarding the education of students with disabilities will be implemented and followed. Additional PPE will be provided to teachers and support staff who work with students who are unable to wear face masks or socially distance due to their disability. As per NYSED guidance, HCSD has considered our highest-needs students and will implement special education programs as described below:
K-5 Special Education Students:
Students in special class programs (12:1:2 and 8:1:2 classes at Parsons, HAS, and Purchase) will attend school in-person daily.
Students in general education classes: integrated co-teaching, Resource Room, Consultant Teacher Services or Related Services will attend school according to the student’s Husky or Pride schedule. Those students with IEPs requiring direct services will receive live/synchronous instruction from their special educator on the days that they are learning from home via Google Meet/Zoom.
6-12 Special Education Students:
Students in our FASE class (8:1:2) will attend school in-person daily.
Students in three special classes (SGI: 12:1:1) will attend school in-person daily.
Students in general education classes: Integrated Co-teaching, Consultant Teacher Services or Related Services will attend school according to the student’s Husky or Pride schedule. Those students with IEPs requiring direct services will receive live/synchronous instruction from their special educator on the days that they are learning from home via Google Meet/Zoom.
Related Services:
Related Services for special education students (speech, counseling, etc.) will be provided through a combination of in-person and remote instruction (Google Meet/Zoom) based on the student’s special education program. A rotating schedule will be developed to ensure that students are receiving both in-person and remote related services.