To ensure that students are eligible to participate in extra-curricular and interscholastic sports, the following Eligibility Policy shall be observed:
Levels of Participation
No. of Failed Courses
Eligibility Status
FULL participation throughout the quarter provided that a Eligibility Progress Report is submitted weekly. A complete report is signed by all teachers, a parent/guardian and the coach/advisor.
Students are required to attend extra help in the failed course weekly. Additionally, students are expected to maintain good academic standing in all classes in order to remain eligible to fully participate.
May Practice No Play
MAY practice and attend meetings, but may not compete in games or participate in events.
After 2 weeks of positive Eligibility Progress Reports, students will move to “Probation” and must continue to submit complete reports throughout the quarter. A complete report is signed by all teachers, a parent/guardian and the coach/advisor.
Students are required to attend extra help in the failed courses weekly. Additionally, students are expected to maintain good academic standing in all classes.
3 or more
No Practice No Play
May NOT practice, compete, or participate in any inter-scholastic sport, or extracurricular activity.
After 2 weeks of positive Eligibility Progress Reports, students will move to “May Practice/No Play” and must continue to submit complete reports throughout the quarter. By doing so, students will eventually be eligible to move to the status of “Probation”. A complete report is signed by all teachers, a parent/guardian and the coach/advisor.
Students are required to attend extra help in the failed courses weekly. Additionally, students are expected to maintain good academic standing in all classes.
Any student failing ONE subject shall automatically be placed on probation by the committee and will remain on probation for the marking period. A student on probation may participate in all extra-curricular activities and interscholastic sports provided that he/she adheres to the following criteria immediately upon being notified of his/ her status:
Any student failing TWO (2) subjects at the end of a marking period will be declared ineligible, under the status “May Practice/No Play”. Students with this status are ineligible to compete in any interscholastic sport or extracurricular activity, yet they may practice and attend meetings. After a minimum of two weeks of positive progress reports, a student will be moved to “Probation” status, allowing the student to compete in interscholastic and/or extracurricular activities, but must continue to complete the weekly eligibility reports until the end of the marking period. Failure to submit weekly progress reports on time and/or negative reports can result in a change in status back to “No Practice/No Play”.
Any student failing THREE (3) or more subjects at the end of a marking period will be declared ineligible, under the status “No Practice/No Play”. Students with this status are ineligible to compete in any interscholastic sport or extracurricular activity and may not practice, compete, or participate in any inter- scholastic sport, or extracurricular activity. After a minimum of two weeks of positive progress reports, a student will be moved to “May Practice/No Play”, allowing students to practice and attend meetings, but not yet compete or perform in interscholastic and/or extracurricular activities. Students must continue to complete the weekly eligibility reports until the end of the marking period. Failure to submit weekly progress reports on time and/or negative reports can result in a change in status back to “No Practice/No Play”.
- The Eligibility Committee meets every Wednesday at 2:45. Students wishing to discuss their status are welcome to attend and speak with the committee during this time.
- Students need to ensure that they submit Eligibility Progress Report (forms can be found in B104) in advance of the Committee meeting. Ideally, forms should be completed by ALL teachers each Friday and submitted the following Monday after being signed by a parent/guardian and coach/advisor. In the event of a student or teacher absence, students have until 2:30 PM Wednesday afternoon to submit a completed form.
- The student must seek help in those subjects failed and provide proof of it to the Eligibility Committee.
- Poor performance or incomplete forms may cause the student to be declared INELIGIBLE. Failure to submit a weekly progress report on time will result in the student being declared ineligible until the next meeting.
1st Quarter Eligibility:
1st Quarter eligibility is determined by 4th quarter grades of the previous academic year. If a student is declared ineligible or placed on probation at the end of the fourth marking period, but has passed the courses for the year, he/she will be placed on probation for the first quarter. If a student is declared ineligible or placed on probation at the end of the 4th marking period, as a result of failing one or more subjects in that quarter which resulted in a failing grade for the course, he/she needs to attend and pass summer school. Failure to attend and pass summer school will cause the student to begin the next school year with the same status that was determined at the conclusion of the year.
It is an honor to represent Harrison High School in co-curricular activities and representatives should be worthy of that privilege. A student may be suspended from an activity due to lack of good citizenship or academic decline. Good citizenship shall be defined as adhering to the rules and regulations of the classroom, activity, school, and district.