LMK Guide to Learning: Welcome
Welcome to Louis M. Klein Middle School Guide to Learning, designed to introduce families to the LMK student experience both in and out of the classroom. Each section provides detailed information about learning, extra curricular opportunities and support services at our middle school. Take time to read thorough the Guide to Learning and become familiar with all the LMK Middle School offers students.
Message from the Principal
Dear LMK Families,
Welcome to Louis M. Klein Middle School. Each year we welcome 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from the district’s four elementary schools, and students new to the Harrison Community. We take pride in bringing students together in a vibrant, engaging community and providing opportunities and support for them to achieve their individual potential.
LMK is committed to best practices in middle-level education. Grade levels are divided into teams of teachers and students to create a personalized learning environment. Our dedicated educators are committed to a personalized approach to teaching and developing the unique capacities of each student by providing an engaging, challenging and differentiated learning experience.
LMK is an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program school. This challenging framework of learning encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers.
Middle school is an exciting time of new experiences and opportunities as students explore who they are and what they can accomplish. I look forward to partnering with you to make your child’s middle school experience meaningful and rewarding.
My door is open to you, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Scott Fried, Principal
Message from Guidance
Dear LMK Families,
Middle school is a time marked by transitions. Students and families are moving out of their neighborhood elementary school into a new building and planning for an arrival to Harrison High School in a few short years. Your time spent at LMK goes quickly, but will be a time full of growth, exploration, support, and fun.
School counselors are new to students and families as they enter LMK. I encourage you to partner with your child’s school counselor as much as possible, and look to them as a resource. The school counselors at LMK are ready to meet your child where they are in their academic and social-emotional journey and help develop them into the best version of themselves.
We will support your child as they grow from elementary students into high school students through thoughtful and deliberate transition events and an incredible amount of behind the scenes work getting to know your child as an individual to best support their journey into and through LMK.
Kelly Malczewski, Director of Guidance