LMK Guide to Learning: Assessment and Grading
The LMK faculty is committed to using multiple measures to assess students’ growth over time. This approach provides students with the opportunity to show what they know and are able to do in a variety of ways. In addition to traditional tests and essays, students complete performance assessments that ask them to apply what they are learning in a context. Students will receive feedback in all courses and through a variety of means both inside and outside of the classroom.
In the MYP, student performance is assessed based on standards established by the International Baccalaureate Program. Each subject group has 4 unique objectives (A, B, C, D) and students receive a score of 1-8 on each objective. Scores are based on summative and performance based assessments using criteria that directly aligns to the MYP objectives. MYP scoring provides in-depth information about your child’s performance based on IB standards. It identifies student understanding of concepts or skills and highlights areas of student growth and achievement. A sample of MYP Criterion scores are available on page 12.
The PowerSchool Portal is an electronic resource available to all parents and students. The Portal allows you to monitor grades and progress throughout the year in real time. Within the Portal, you will see each grade that your student has earned so far in the academic year, including project and homework grades, unit tests and quizzes, graded classwork, and missed assignments. You will find a tutorial on how to set up your portal account on our website under Parents, then under Grade and Records. If you require further assistance, please contact one of our assistant principals.
Final marking period grades are posted to the portal at the end of every quarter, which is approximately every ten weeks during the school year. The report card includes students’ calculated number grade (on a 100-point scale) as well as teacher comments. Grades of 65% and higher are passing. Grades of 64% and lower are failing. Report cards, as well as grades throughout the year, can be accessed through the PowerSchool Portal.
At the end of each marking period, students who excel academically by earning an average of 87% or higher are recognized by being named to the LMK Honor Roll.