Middle School Guidance

Welcome to the Harrison Central School District Middle School Guidance Department

We are excited to assist in the educational, social, emotional, college, and career development of your child throughout his or her middle school years (6-8). 

We believe that each student is an important, valued, developing, capable, and unique individual who will learn from experience and grow personally and educationally throughout adolescence. We are committed to the district's mission of equity, access, rigor, and adaptability for all. All students' differences, strengths and special needs are considered in planning and implementing our school counseling program.

Our program reflects an integrated approach to helping students' individual and developmental needs. We believe helping students to understand themselves will assist them in making sound decisions and plans today and in their future.

Our specific services are delivered through individual and group counseling. We ensure students have opportunities to engage in academic advisement and multi-year planning, college and career advisement and social/personal development. We believe and make every effort to engage parents actively in the school experience.

We encourage you to partner with us so that each student is best served. Please do not hesitate to contact us for support and guidance or to call on us to act as a liaison between home and school.

In our work as school counselors we strive to better our program and welcome feedback from our students, parents, and colleagues. We are aligned with the ethical guidelines and standards of the American School Counselor Association (www.schoolcounselor.org).

In addition to the Counseling Department, Harrison has a variety of support services to assist students and families.

Student Support Services

 A variety of professionals assist with personal, social, and academic development.   The services available are explained individually:

Academic Intervention Services

Instructional support services are provided to students who are at risk of not meeting New York State Learning Standards as identified by entrance and exit criteria.  This support may be provided indirectly in the form of consultation with classroom teachers, as meeting New York State Learning Standards as identified by entrance and exit criteria.  This support may be provided indirectly in the form of consultation with classroom teachers, as in-class support or through direct services to students.  Levels of support depend on each student’s needs from occasional, informal support to more structured Academic Intervention Services (AIS).  Support is modified as necessary and continues as long as needed to ensure a student’s success in meeting New York State Learning Standards.

English as a New Language

English as a New Languages (ENL) services are provided to English Language Learners in order to facilitate the acquisition of social and academic language, and an understanding of American culture. The program emphasizes inclusion through integration of English Language Learners with native English-speaking peers, while also providing direct English language instruction, academic support, and advocacy for English Language Learners. 

Director of World Language and English as a New Language (ENL)
Jennifer Egan, 630-3384

School Psychologists

School Psychologists ensure that every student learns in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment.  School Psychologists utilize child development theories and effective teaching practices to help alleviate difficulties that may otherwise impede successful learning.  These services include consultation, assessment, intervention, prevention, education, research, and health care provision.

LMK School Psychologist:

Alexa Brennan, 630-3317

Deanna D'Onofrio, 630-3064

Amy Price, 630-3048


School Resource Officer

 A School Resource Officer (SRO) is a certified law enforcement officer who is permanently assigned to Harrison High School.  He is trained to fulfill three roles: first and foremost, he is a law enforcement officer whose primary purpose is to help maintain a safe and orderly environment in the high school so that students can learn; secondly, he is a law-related counselor who provides guidance to students and acts as a link to support services both inside and outside the school environment; and thirdly, he is a law-related education teacher who provides the school with an additional resource.

LMK School Resource Officer:

Officer Robert Budde, 630-5712

Special Education

The Committee on Special Education of the Harrison Central School District provides special education services for students with disabilities.  When an educational disability is suspected, a comprehensive assessment is required, including a physical, a psychological evaluation, social history, an observation in the classroom, and educational evaluations and assessments in areas related to the suspected disability.

If the student is determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) to have an educational disability and needs special education services, recommendations regarding appropriate services are made in an Individualized Education Program (IEP).  Service considerations include accommodations and support services in the general education classroom, related services, co-teaching, resource room, placement in HCSD or BOCES special class programs, and approved private day and residential programs.  By law, children must be served in the “least restrictive” educational setting.  Visit the Special Education Website

Jennifer Toscano
Interim Director of Special Education & Support Services

Antonia Simao
Supervisor of Secondary
Special Education

Shannon Cipolla
Interim Supervisor of Elementary
Special Education

Speech and Language

Speech and language services are provided to facilitate the acquisition and use of language by students whose language development is delayed or impaired.  These services are available to students through recommendation by the Committee on Special Education (CSE), if it is determined that the language disability is having a significant impact on a student’s educational performance and ability to benefit from instruction.

Harrison Youth Council

Since, 1980, the Harrison Youth Council, Inc. has been providing professional counseling services for children, adolescents and families living in Harrison, West Harrison and Purchase. The Harrison Youth Council is a not-for-profit agency licensed by New York State. All counseling, mental health and substance abuse prevention services are provided at no cost and are totally confidential. The Harrison Youth Council is staffed by skilled, highly trained professionals. Hours are flexible to accommodate working families. 

(914) 835-7500
84 Calvert St. #2